COVID-19 protocols and exemptions

In accordance with provincial regulations, patrons attending the Beckett Adult Leisure Centre will be required to show proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and identification before they can enter. Proof of a negative COVID-19 test result will not be accepted in place of proof of full vaccination.

Proof of vaccination (POV) will be accepted if the person’s name and date of birth on their identification document matches the name and date of birth on their accompanying vaccination receipt. Examples of acceptable identification documents include an individual’s birth certificate, citizenship card, driver’s license, Government (Ontario or other) issued identification card, Indian Status Card /Indigenous Membership Card, Passport or Permanent Resident card.

Acceptable vaccination receipts must include the person’s name, date of vaccination and product name (brand of vaccine) at the time of vaccination.

A vaccination receipt includes any of the following:

  • An Ontario vaccination receipt from a vaccine clinic when you received your dose (paper copy)
  • A vaccination receipt signed by an Indigenous Health Provider
  • An Ontario Ministry of Health vaccination receipt received by email following your appointment (digital or printed paper copy)
  • Downloaded vaccination receipt from the Ontario COVID-19 online vaccination portal or by calling the Provincial Vaccine Contact Centre at 1-833-943-3900 (digital or printed paper copy)
  • A vaccination receipt from another jurisdiction that shows the holder is fully vaccinated against COVID-19

For more information regarding proof of vaccination documentation, please visit the Ontario government COVID-19 proof of vaccination Frequently Asked Questions webpage.

Patrons that cannot provide proof of identification and double vaccination who are not included on the list of approved provincial exemptions will not be permitted entry into the facilities where proof of vaccination is required (as outlined below). Records of vaccination status will not be maintained therefore, patrons will be required to repeat this screening process each time they enter the facility. 


The proof of identification and proof of vaccination against COVID-19 requirements under O. Reg. 364/20 do not apply to:

  • Workers, contractors, repair workers, delivery workers, students, volunteers, inspectors or others who are entering the business or organization for work purposes and not as patrons.
  • Children under 12 years of age. (Proof of age may be required)
  • Patrons who provide written documentation, completed and supplied by a physician (designated MD) or by a registered nurse, nurse practitioner NP stating that the individual is exempt for medical reasons. Patrons who are exempt for medical reasons are to provide ID and a written document stating the individual is exempt for medical reasons
  • A patron who is entering for the sole purpose of;
    • using a washroom,
    • to access an outdoor area,
    • to make a retail purchase,
    • while placing or picking up an order,
    • while paying for an order,
    • to purchase admission, or;
    • for the purposes of health and safety.