Proposed Official Plan Amendment No. 5




Part 1 constitutes an introduction to the Amendment found in Part 2 of Schedule “A” to By-law xx-2023. It describes in general terms the purpose of the Amendment, the location of the lands affected, and the basis upon which the Amendment is formulated.


This Amendment affects lands identified in the City of Brantford Official Plan as part of the Natural Heritage System for the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Growth Plan NHS) and which have been removed from the Growth Plan NHS by the Province of Ontario.

The Amendment changes the Growth Plan Natural Heritage System and corresponding Core Natural Areas Designation and Adjacent Lands Overlay on Schedule 6 of the City of Brantford Official Plan to align with the revised Growth Plan NHS. The Amendment also changes the affected Core Natural Areas to other land uses on Schedules 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the City of Brantford Official Plan as originally proposed in the Council-adopted Official Plan (March 26, 2021) prior to the new Official Plan’s approval as modified by the Province (August 4, 2021).


The lands subject to this Amendment are illustrated in “Schedule B” attached to and forming part of this Amendment. The lands are located within the municipal boundary adjustment lands that were transferred to the City of Brantford from the County of Brant on January 1, 2017, generally to the east of Park Road in the north and in the Tutela Heights area in the south.


This is a City-initiated Official Plan Amendment to achieve conformity with a Provincial plan pursuant to Section 26 of the Planning Act and is therefore subject to Provincial approval following its adoption by Council.

The Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe requires the City of Brantford to incorporate the Growth Plan NHS as mapped by the Province as an overlay in the Official Plan. The Official Plan applies the Core Natural Areas Designation to lands that are also subject to the Growth Plan NHS, and applies the Adjacent Lands Overlay a distance of 90 m from the Core Natural Areas Designation. The Growth Plan policies allow municipalities to refine Provincial mapping of the Growth Plan NHS at the time of initial implementation in their official plans. The new City of Brantford Official Plan that was adopted by Council on March 26, 2021 proposed refinements to the Growth Plan NHS, and was submitted to the Province for approval on April 1, 2021. The refinements were based on the Comprehensive Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) completed for the former County lands as part of the City’s Official Plan Review process.

The Province approved the new Official Plan with modifications on August 4, 2021, effective August 5, 2021. The approved Official Plan as modified by the Province did not include the City’s proposed Growth Plan NHS refinements, as it was determined that a decision regarding the City’s proposed Growth Plan NHS refinements would not be made within a timeframe that would not delay the Province’s decision to approve the new Official Plan in early August 2021. The Province has since considered the City’s requested Growth Plan NHS refinements and revised the Growth Plan NHS mapping. The requested refinements that have been accepted are accounted for in this Amendment, affecting the lands which have been removed from the Growth Plan NHS by the Province of Ontario. The land use designations proposed upon those lands no longer subject to the Growth Plan NHS and Core Natural Areas Designation reflect the land designations approved by Council in the Council-adopted Official Plan (March 26, 2021). The Amendment revises the Adjacent Lands Overlay to align 90 m from the revised limits of the Core Natural Areas Designation where applicable.


All of this part of Schedule “A” entitled "Part 2 – The Amendment", consisting of the following text and attached Schedule "B", constitutes Amendment No. 5 to the City of Brantford Official Plan, Envisioning Our City: 2051. The Amendment changes Official Plan Schedules 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6; there are no policy changes.

1. Schedule 1

Schedule 1 – Growth Management of the City of Brantford Official Plan is hereby amended by changing the lands identified in Schedule "B" attached to and forming part of this Amendment:

a)    from "Core Natural Areas" to “Strategic Growth Areas" as shown on Map 1A;

b)    from "Core Natural Areas" to “Neighbourhoods”, “Employment Areas” or “Rural/Agricultural Area” as shown on Map 1B; and

c)    from "Core Natural Areas" to “Rural/Agricultural Area” as shown on Map 1C.

2. Schedule 2

Schedule 2 – Designated Greenfield Area Density and Block Plan Boundaries of the City of Brantford Official Plan is hereby amended by changing the lands identified in Schedule “B” attached to and forming part of this Amendment:

a)    from “Core Natural Areas” to “Density target of 60 residents and jobs combined per hectare” as shown on Map 2A; and

b)    from “Core Natural Areas” to “Density target of 60 residents and jobs combined per hectare” or “Density target of 25 jobs per hectare” as shown on Map 2B.

3. Schedule 3

Schedule 3 – Land Use Plan of the City of Brantford Official Plan is hereby amended by changing the land use designation of lands identified in Schedule “B” attached to and forming part of this Amendment:

a)    from “Core Natural Areas Designation” to “Intensification Corridor Designation” as shown on Map 3A; and

b)    from “Core Natural Areas Designation” to “Residential Designation”, “General Employment Designation” or “Agricultural Designation” as shown on Map 3B; and

c)    from “Core Natural Areas Designation” to “Agricultural Designation” as shown on Map 3C.

4. Schedule 4

Schedule 4 – Designated Greenfield Area Structure of the City of Brantford Official Plan is hereby amended by changing the lands identified in Schedule “B” attached to and forming part of this Amendment:

a)    from “Core Natural Areas Designation” to “Intensification Corridor Designation” as shown on Map 4A; and

b)    from “Core Natural Areas Designation” to “to “Residential Designation” or “General Employment Designation” as shown on Map 4B.

5. Schedule 6

Schedule 6 – Natural Heritage System of the City of Brantford Official Plan is hereby amended by changing the lands identified in Schedule “B” attached to and forming part of this Amendment:

a)    by removing lands from the “Core Natural Areas Designation” and “Growth Plan Natural Heritage System” as shown on Map 5A and adjusting the “Adjacent Lands Overlay (90 m)” to be 90 m from the limits of the revised “Core Natural Areas Designation” as shown on Map 5A; and

b)    by removing lands from the “Core Natural Areas Designation” and “Growth Plan Natural Heritage System” as shown on Map 5B and adjusting the “Adjacent Lands Overlay (90 m)” to be 90 m from the limits of the revised “Core Natural Areas Designation” as shown on Map 5B; and

c)    by removing lands from the “Core Natural Areas Designation” and “Growth Plan Natural Heritage System” as shown on Map 5C and adjusting the “Adjacent Lands Overlay (90 m)” to be 90 m from the limits of the revised “Core Natural Areas Designation” as shown on Map 5C.

Review the Schedule B Maps.