Who We Are

Brantford is a community that provides urban amenities with a charming small town feel.

Join our team

The City of Brantford is made up of a community of dedicated staff who work together to deliver hundreds of programs and services each day with the ultimate goal of enhancing the quality of life for our residents.

Our determination to attract and retain the best and brightest talent is reflected in our investment in the people who work here. In concert with growth opportunities, the implementation of the City of Brantford People Master Plan is designed to respond to the varying and ongoing needs of employees.

View our current career opportunities, apply to be a part of our growing team, and discover why you should join the City of Brantford.

Organizational Structure

Guided by the policies and priorities of Council, the City's Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) leads and brings together the efforts of all Commissions and departments, ensuring that the City's programs and services meet the demands and expectations of the community.

Discover the City of Brantford

Learn more about Brantford's Mayor and Council, our rich history, the plans and priorities we have for the future, our excellent post-secondary institutions, our tourist events and attractions and browse our Community Profile for details about our diverse manufacturing sector and more.

The City's Executive Leadership Team is made up of the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), Commissioners and Senior Directors . The City's 4 Commissions and various departments provide specific public services as follows:

  • Community Development - Planning, Building, Development Engineering, Property Standards 
  • Community Services and Social Development  - Children's Services, Family and Income Stability, Housing and Homelessness,  Senior Management Liaison with Brantford Public Library, Brant County Health Unit and John Noble Home
  • Corporate Services - Finance, Human Resources, Information Technology, Clerks and Licensing, Legal Services including Provincial Offences Court
  • Public Works - Engineering Services, Operational Services, Parks and Recreation Services, Environmental Services, Fleet and Transit Services,  Facilities, Special Projects
  • Communications, Community Engagement and Customer Service 
  • Economic Development, Tourism and Cultural Initiatives, Real Estate Services
  • Fire and Emergency Management, By-law and Security

Hometown Heroes

Joseph Thayendanegea Brant

The City of Brantford's name comes from Joseph Thayendanegea Brant who was a Mohawk war chief. He was a Captain for the British Superintendent's Mohawk warriors during the American Revolution. Our City is located on part of his land grant. Explore more history from our Museums, Heritage and Galleries.

Alexander Graham Bell

Alexander Graham Bell invented and patented the first telephone in 1876 from his residence in Brantford, Ontario.

Wayne Gretzky

The professional hockey player and former NHL head coach, Wayne Gretzky, was born and raised in Brantford. The Wayne Gretzky Sports Centre is a renowned facility that is named in honour of the hockey legend.