Pressure District 2/3 Water Storage Tank

The Study

The City of Brantford, with its consultant AECOM Canada Ltd., has initiated a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study for a Pressure District 2/3 Water Storage Tank.  The need for increased water storage capacity within the Water Distribution System was identified in the recent City of Brantford Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Master Servicing Plan Update - 2051 Amendment (2021) , and is required to meet planned growth, including within the City’s new settlement area. 

The study will evaluate various alternatives to address the need for additional storage within the distribution system which may potentially include a new water storage tank, transmission watermains and modifications to existing pumping stations, to meet future service area demands.

Notice of Study Commencement

The Notice of Study Commencement for this project was first published on February 3, 2022.

The Process

This project is being carried out under the planning and design process for a Schedule ‘B’ project as outlined in the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011 and 2015) which is an approved process under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act.  The Class EA process includes public and agency consultation, evaluation of alternatives and an assessment of potential environmental effects of the proposed work.

Public Information Centre

Public Information Centre was held on May 18, 2022 at Walter Gretzky Municipal Golf Course where the study findings, evaluation of potential sites, and the preferred recommended site were shared. PIC materials are available for reference. 

Notice of Completion

The City of Brantford has completed a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment study for siting a new water storage tank to service existing and future residents in the City’s Pressure District 2/3.

Notice of Completion

The Project File documenting the planning process was made available for public review and comment for a period of 30 calendar days starting on March 8, 2023 and ending on April 7, 2023. The final project file report is available below. 

Review the Project File

The Project File Appendices will be made available upon request.

How to Get Involved

If you have any questions or comments regarding this study or wish to be added to the study mailing list, please contact either one of the following project team representatives:

Shahab Shafai, M.Sc., P.Eng.
Senior Project Manager
City of Brantford, Environmental Services
Phone: 519-759-4150 Ext. 5745
Semyon Chaymann
Consultant Project Manager
AECOM Canada Ltd.
Phone: 647-524-9314