Glenwood Drive and Peartree Court Utility Access Route

The Study

The City of Brantford is undertaking a Schedule B Class Environmental Assessment Study to provide access for utility inspections and maintenance between Glenwood Drive and Peartree Court.

The Wastewater Collection System, including sanitary and storm sewers, are valuable assets owned by the City of Brantford. Ownership of such utilities requires regular maintenance and inspection programs, along with the ability to repair and upgrade.

The sanitary and stormwater network from Glenwood Drive to Peartree Court extends through natural environment settings and has been overgrown since construction, which in turn provides limited opportunities for the City to undertake regular maintenance and inspections or emergency repairs.

The Process

The Study will examine the Wastewater Network and the associated natural resources within the Study Area to identify constraints to access, potential future risks, and opportunities for environmental enhancement.

Through the Class EA process, multiple alternative solutions are being developed and evaluated by the Study Team and will be refined through public and agency consultation. The Study Team will then select a Preferred Alternative and proceed with the design of the recommended works. At the end of the study, a Project File documenting The Study process will be available for public review.

Study Area

Glenwood Drive and Peartree Court Utility Access Route Study Area

Virtual Public Information Centre - June 10, 2021

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the City is hosting this Public Information Centre (PIC) virtually. In addition to the following video presentation, PIC boards are also available for review.

We want to hear from you!

Comments will be collected until 4:30 p.m. on June 25, 2021. 

PIC Comment Form

Notice of Completion 

The City of Brantford has completed a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment study to provide access for utility inspections and maintenance between Glenwood Drive and Peartree Court.

Notice of Completion 

The Project File documenting the planning process is available for public review and comment for a period of 30 calendar days starting on April 13, 2023 and ending on May 13, 2023. All comments and concerns should be sent directly to the Project Team contacts listed below.

Review the Project File [14MB]

How to Get Involved

If you have any questions or comments regarding this study or wish to be added to the study mailing list, please contact either one of the project team representatives below:

Jim Young
Manager of Water Distribution and Waste Water Collection
City of Brantford
324 Grand River Avenue
 Brantford, ON, N3T 4Y8
519-759-4150 Ext. 5302
Robert Amos, MASc., P.Eng.
Consultant Project Manager
Aquafor Beech Ltd.
2600 Skymark Avenue, Unit 6-201
Mississauga, ON L4W 5B2