Wayne Gretzky Parkway North Extension Municipal Class Environmental Assessment


The City of Brantford has initiated a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) study (Study) for a northern extension of the Wayne Gretzky Parkway, as identified in the 2020 Transportation Master Plan. This transportation corridor is to provide optimization of the transportation network as an interregional travel route accessing the provincial highways to and from the north part of the City.

Wayne Gretzky Parkway serves as a major north-south connection though the City. The corridor also conveys the traffic from downtown Brantford to Highway 403 and other major east-west transportation corridors.


To support the City’s planning and decision making, the Study will examine the feasibility of the Wayne Gretzky Parkway extension alignment from Powerline Road to Park Road North, and to improve the City and regional traffic in the future. The Study will also assess the locations, configuration and specifications of the intersections in the area, including potential roundabouts. The investigation is to enhance intersection performance for traffic safety, active transportation and other requirements.

Study Area  Map

Study area map

The Study will consider the associated impacts to the natural, cultural and social environments, gather input from Indigenous peoples, agencies, affected groups and the general public within the study area, and document the planning and decision-making process.

The Process

This MCEA study is being undertaken in accordance with the MCEA process for a Schedule “C” project, as outlined in the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment document (October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011, 2015 and 2023), which is approved under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act.

A key component of the MCEA process will be public consultation. There will be two Public Information Centre (PIC) meetings planned throughout the study process. At the conclusion of the Study, the Environmental Study Report will be made available for public and agencies reviews.

Notice of Study Commencement

The Notice of Study Commencement for this project was first published on May 4, 2023.

Notice of Study PIC #1

The first Notice of Study PIC for this project was first published on February 7, 2024.

Notice of Study PIC #2

The second Notice of Study PIC for this project was first published on September 12, 2024.

Public Meeting on October 2, 2024 

A Public Information Centre (PIC) is scheduled to take place on:

October 2, 2024, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. with a presentation at 5:15 p.m. (open question-and-answer period to follow)
Walter Gretzky Municipal Golf Course and Learning Centre
320 Balmoral Drive, Brantford, ON

The PIC Presentation and Common Project Questions and Answers are available to review ahead of this meeting.  

Please send any questions you may have to the project team at WGPExtension@brantford.ca ahead of the meeting to ensure they are addressed at the PIC.

Frequently ask questions

Find answers to common questions about this project below:

How was the Project Initiated?

In 2017, the municipal boundary between the City of Brantford and the County of Brant was adjusted to secure additional lands for the City’s future growth. These lands are referred to as the Boundary Adjustment Lands or Expansion Lands, and are anticipated to have high population and employment growth.
Wayne Gretzky Parkway serves as a major north-south connection though the City. The corridor also conveys the traffic from downtown Brantford to Highway 403 and other major east-west transportation corridors. A northern extension of the Wayne Gretzky Parkway was identified in the 2020 Transportation Master Plan (TMP) to provide optimization of the transportation network as an interregional travel route accessing the provincial highways to and from the north part of the City.

What is the Purpose of this Study?
To support the City’s planning and decision making, this Study will examine the feasibility of the Wayne Gretzky Parkway extension alignment from Powerline Road to Park Road North. The purpose of the Study is to identify and evaluate alternative solutions to extend transportation corridor through the North Expansion Lands. Alternative design concepts are to be identified and confirmed to improve and expand the transportation network, to service the Designated Greenfield Areas development, and to improve the City and regional traffic in the future. The Study will consider the associated impacts to the natural, cultural, social and technical environments, gather input from Indigenous peoples, agencies, affected groups and the general public, and document the planning and decision-making process.
What is the Scope of the Study?
In addition to the road extension alignment, connections to Park Road North and future east-west collector roads will be investigated. The Study will further assess the traffic impact at existing intersections at Powerline Road and Park Road North intersection, and Governor’s Road and Park Road North intersection.
The Study will also examine the locations, configuration and specifications of these intersections, including potential roundabouts. The assessment is to enhance intersection performance for traffic safety and active transportation. The Study will further investigate the requirements for road and area drainage, property acquisitions, and environmental impact and mitigation for project implementation.
What is the Process for the Study?
The Study is being undertaken in accordance with the MCEA process for a Schedule “C” project as outlined in the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment document (October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011, 2015 and 2023).
The MCEA process requires the following 5 phases:
  • Phase 1: Define the problem / opportunity statement
  • Phase 2: Identify and assess alternative solutions
  • Phase 3: Develop alternative design concepts for the preferred solution
  • Phase 4: Environmental Study Report
  • Phase 5: Implementation
How Can I Participate?
The City invites anyone with an interest in this study to provide input and participate in the public consultation process, which will help the project team in the decision-making process.
Subscribe to this page to be notified when this project page is updated. Please contact the project team with any comments or feedback regarding this project.


We want to hear from you!

Public input and involvement are encouraged for the planning and design of this project. We encourage you to participate in the decision-making process. For more information about the Wayne Gretzky Parkway North Extension MCEA, or to provide any comments and feedbacks, please contact a member of the project team.

Project Team

Lisa Marshall, P. Eng.
Consultant Project Manager
Guangli Zhang, P. Eng.
City Project Manager
City of Brantford
519-759 4150  Ext. 5705

Information collected will be used in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Except for personal information, including your name, address and property location, all comments received throughout the study will become part of the public record and included in project documentation. If you have accessibility requirements in order to participate in this project, please contact one of the project team members listed above.