Intimate Partner and Gender-Based Violence
In October 2023, Brantford City Council joined over 90 municipalities across Ontario in declaring intimate partner and gender-based based violence an epidemic, and directed staff to consult with community organizations to develop a Community Action Plan to further understand the realities of the epidemic and what resources are needed.
In March 2024, Brantford City Council unanimously approved the Intimate Partner and Gender-Based Violence: Community Action Plan 2024-2026 . This plan includes 4 key recommendations and 26 opportunities for action with the aim of bringing the community together to discuss, collaborate and advocate to end gender-based violence in all its forms in Brantford.
The City of Brantford is currently executing a number of corporate and community-based strategies that support the goals and visions of the Community Action Plan, including the development of additional affordable and supportive housing, increasing opportunities for youth engagement, and supporting a welcoming and diverse community.