Ava Road Traffic Calming and Bike Lanes (STATUS: Planning)
- The proposed changes include one bicycle lane and one vehicle lane in each direction. Additionally, traffic calming devices called “chicanes” will be installed along the roadway. This will provide physical infrastructure on the roadway that force vehicles to reduce their speed.
- Project Limits: Hardy Road to Westmount Boulevard (1.4km)
- Status: Planning
Balmoral Drive Bike Lanes (STATUS: Planning)
- The proposed changes include one bicycle lane and one vehicle lane in each direction, with a dedicated parking lane on one side of the road. Buffers will be provided between the bike lane and the parking lane, as well as between each of the bike lanes and vehicle lanes to create a safer cycling environment. Flexible bollards are proposed to physically separate cyclists from vehicles.
- Project Limits: Oxford Street to Smith’s Lane (1.6km)
- Status: Planning
Edmondson Street Bike Lanes (STATUS: Planning)
- The proposed changes include one bicycle lane and one vehicle lane in each direction. Physically separated bicycle lanes are proposed to provide a barrier between vehicles and cyclists. These barriers would consist of bike curbs (pre-cast concrete curbs) and flexible bollards.
- Project Limits: West Street/Farringford Drive to Wayne Gretzky Parkway Trail (0.4km)
- Status: Planning
Elgin Street Multi-Use Path (STATUS: Planning)
- The proposed changes include installing a 3.5 metre wide multi-use path on the north side of Elgin Street.
- Project Limits: Wayne Gretzky Parkway to Garden Avenue (2.3km)
- Status: Planning
Empey Street Bike Lanes (STATUS: Planning)
- The proposed changes include one bicycle lane and one vehicle lane in each direction. A buffer lane is proposed with bike curbs (pre-cast concrete curbs) and flexible bollards to provide physical separation of cyclists from vehicles.
- Project Limits: Henry Street to Elgin Street (0.6km)
- Status: Planning
Ewing Drive Bike Lanes (STATUS: Planning)
- The proposed changes include one bicycle lane and one vehicle lane in each direction
- Project Limits: Balmoral Drive to Toll Gate Road (0.6km)
- Status: Planning
Henry Street Bike Lanes and Multi-Use Path (STATUS: Planning)
- From Brock Street to Stanley Street/Bosworth Court
- The proposed changes include one bicycle lane and one vehicle lane in each direction with a dedicated two-way centre left turn lane. Additionally, buffer lanes are proposed that physically separate cyclists from motorists to create a safer cycling environment.
- From Stanley Street/Bosworth Court to Wayne Gretzky Parkway
- Since traffic volumes are high on this section of roadway, a multi-use path is proposed is order to create a separate cycling space and to ensure there are no changes to the roadway configuration for this stretch of road.
- Project Limits: Brock Street to Wayne Gretzky Parkway (1.1km)
- Status: Planning
Tollgate Road-Road Diet and Bike Lanes (STATUS: Planning)
- Add bike lanes as part of road reconfiguration from four lanes to two lanes, with two-way centre left turn lane. Buffer lanes are proposed to physically separate cyclists from moving traffic.
- Project Limits: Paris Road to St. George Street (0.9km)
- Status: Planning
Albion Street-Bike Lane and Contraflow Bike Lane (STATUS: Completed)
- Add a bike lane and a contraflow bike lane as part of a road reconfiguration. This reconfiguration will reduce vehicle travel lanes from three lanes to one lane, with a dedicated parking lane and a “with traffic” bike lane and contraflow bike lane.
- Project Limits: West Street to Bedford Street / McMurray Street (1.0 km).
- Status: Completed
Dunsdon Street Part 2-Road Diet and Cycle Lanes (STATUS: Paused)
- Add bike lanes as part of a road reconfiguration from four to two lanes, with auxiliary turn lanes from Park Road North to Memorial Drive and a dedicated parking lane from Memorial Drive to King George Road.
- Project Limits: Park Road North to King George Road (2.6 km).
- Benefit: Adding additional commuter cycling infrastructure along this corridor will provide an east-west cycling connection in the north end of the City. It will extend what was previously implemented on Dunsdon Street between Brantwood Park Road and Park Road North. The bike lanes will also connect the Wayne Gretzky Parkway Multi-Use Path with the Memorial Drive Bike Lanes, and will connect the proposed Oxford Street Bike Lanes. This project will also provide a safer cycling environment by encouraging lower vehicle travel speeds by reducing the number of vehicular lanes and providing an exclusive lane for cycling.
- Status: Paused
Oxford Street-Cycle Lanes (STATUS: Completed)
- Add bike lanes and a dedicated parking lane to the current two lane configuration.
- Project Limits: King George Road to Balmoral Drive (0.5 km).
- Status: Completed
Erie Avenue-Paved Shoulder Cycle Lanes (STATUS: Completed)
- Extend the existing bike lanes on Erie Avenue by paving the shoulder to connect to City Limits.
- Project Limits: Birkett Lane to City Limits (0.8 km).
- Status: Completed
Transportation Master Plan (STATUS: Completed)
- The Transportation Master Plan (TMP) update looks at all mobility modes. From walking, cycling, transit and vehicular movement, its focus is on moving people, not cars. Within the TMP the Active Transportation Strategy will be updated as well as the cycling network. Visit the Transportation Master Plan page to learn more.
- Project limits: City wide
- Status: Completed
Ballantyne Drive – Cycle Lane Improvements (STATUS: Completed)
- The Public Works and Parks Departments are working to redesign Ballantyne Drive to improve the user experience for all users of the road. A portion of this project is funded through the Ontario Municipal Commuter Cycling (OMCC) program.
- Project limits: Ballantyne Drive: from Lorne Park entrance/Sherwood Drive to Spalding Drive West (1.7 km).
- Status: Completed
North Park Street – Road Diet and Cycle Lanes (STATUS: Completed)
- Add bike lanes as part of road reconfiguration from four to two lanes, with auxiliary turn lanes and change from signed route to bike lanes.
- Project limits: North Park Street: Dundas Street to Wayne Gretzky Sports Centre entrance/Waddington Street (total length 2.0 km).
- Benefit: Adding more commuter cycling infrastructure along this corridor will provide a crossing of Highway 403, which is a significant barrier for cycling to/from northern and central Brantford. This provides a better cycling network with connection to the City's major recreational complex (Wayne Gretzky Sports Centre) as well as transit routes will encourage more active transportation for the commuters in the area proposed for residential intensification on Charring Cross Street.
- Status: Complete
Dunsdon Street – Road Diet and Cycle Lanes (STATUS: Completed)
- Add bike lane as part of reconfiguring from four lanes to two lanes with parking.
- Project limits: Dunsdon Street from Brantwood Park Road to Park Road North (1 km).
- Benefit: This project will provide more commuting Cycling Infrastructure by connecting the on street cycle lanes on Brantwood Park Road to the multiuse trail on Wayne Gretzky Parkway and the future proposed residential intensification corridor on Park Road North. It encourages safer commuter cycling as the number of vehicular travel lanes on Dunsdon Street will be reduced to allow cycling lanes to be implemented.
- Status: Complete
Shellard Lane – Multi-use Trail (STATUS: Completed)
- Extension of the multi-use trail on north side of Shellard Lane from west of McGuiness Drive to City boundary.
- Project limits: North side of Shellard Lane from west of McGuiness Drive to City boundary (1.0 km)
- Benefit: This is the extension of the current multi-use trail through the new growth area providing more cycling infrastructure to connect the residential areas to other trails and transit service.
- Status: Complete
North Park Street/Memorial Drive - Road Diet and Cycle Lanes (STATUS: Completed)
- Add bike lanes as part of road reconfiguration from four to two lanes, with auxiliary turn lanes and change from signed route to bike lanes.
- Project limits: North Park Street: Waddington Street to Memorial Drive; Memorial Drive from North Park Street to Powerline Road (2.8 km).
- Benefit: Adding more commuter cycling infrastructure along this corridor, extending the earlier project. This provides a better cycling network with connection to the City's major recreational complex (Wayne Gretzky Sports Centre) and transit routes, and will encourage more active transportation for the commuters in the area proposed for residential intensification on Charring Cross Street. The project will also provide a safer cycling environment by encouraging lower vehicular travel speeds by reducing the number of vehicular travel lanes and providing an exclusive lane for cycling.
- Status: Completed
Erie Avenue - Cycle Lanes (STATUS: Completed)
- Extend the existing bike lanes on the south end of Erie Avenue to the north in order to connect to the Clarence Street multi-use path, and the Dike Trail.
- Project Limits: Strathcona Avenue/Emilie Street to Market Street South (0.9km)
- These bike lanes will add more commuter cycling infrastructure and provide a continuous connection to the existing facilities already implemented on the south end of Erie Avenue, the Clarence Street multi-use path and the Dike Trail.
- Status: Completed