Pay your Parking Ticket

Parking Ticket Scams
Residents have reported receiving text messages and phone calls regarding unpaid parking tickets. The City of Brantford does not contact recipients of parking tickets by text or phone if tickets are in arrears. If you receive a text or phone call asking for payment of outstanding fines, please do not click on the link or supply any banking information.
If a parking ticket is not paid, a Notice of Conviction will be sent through Canada Post. If the fines are still not paid, the fines are applied to the renewal of the license plates associated with the parking tickets with the Ministry of Transportation. At no time will the City of Brantford reach out to owners through text message or phone to ask for payment outstanding fines.
Parking Services at City Hall
The Parking Enforcement Office located at the Market Centre Parkade has been relocated to City Hall (58 Dalhousie Street). The Parkade office location at 59 Icomm Drive is no longer open to the public.
You must pay City of Brantford parking tickets within 15 days of the date on the ticket to avoid further charges.
Online payment
You will need the following information to pay your ticket:
- Your ticket number
- Date of infraction
- The license plate number of your ticketed vehicle
- Your credit card information (Debit not accepted)
Once you are ready, you can pay your ticket online.
In person
Pay your ticket at the Parking Enforcement Office located at City Hall (58 Dalhousie Street). We accept cash, bank drafts, money orders, cheques or debit. Credit cards are not accepted.
You can also use our mail drop box 24 hours a day including weekends and holidays. We only accept bank drafts, cheques and money orders in the drop box. All contents must be inside an envelope. Don't put any cash inside the box.
By mail
You can send us a cheque, bank draft or money order, along with your parking ticket.
Please send your payment to:
The Corporation of the City of Brantford
Parking Enforcement Office
58 Dalhousie Street
Brantford, ON N3T 2J2
P.O. Box 818