Reimagining Arrowdale

On December 17, 2019 Brantford City Council voted to direct staff to dispose of the  City owned lands at 282 Stanley St. to fund much needed affordable housing within the municipality. The sale of these lands provides a substantial capital foundation to create much needed, sustainable affordable housing in our community. The proceeds from the land sale combined with ongoing tax revenues, creative financial planning, partnerships with non-profit housing sectors and federal and provincial funding streams have the potential to result in over 470 units of affordable, sustainable, mixed income housing options for the residents of Brantford and Brant over the next 10 years.

New 17-Acre Community Park

City Council’s decision also directed that a large portion of the lands be retained for a community park, that will be accessible to the public year-round and designed in close consultation with the community.

As a community park, this unique development will service the immediate neighbourhood but given its scope and scale, it will also the broader community and provide enhanced amenities and park features beyond what is normally found in a typical neighbourhood park.

The new community park that will not be gated, require no fees or a membership, and will make the parklands accessible by all residents free of charge, every day year-round.

Reimagining Arrowdale

Arrowdale Community Park

This property is now addressed 375 Rawdon Street. As a community park, this unique space will service the immediate neighbourhood but given its scope and scale will also serve the broader community and provide enhanced amenities and park features beyond what is normally found in a typical neighbourhood park. 

Thanks to the hundreds of residents who provided input to the design process of the new park. The public engagement summary of results illustrates all the valued constructive public feedback we received that helped inform the the design process for the new park, that will include amenities that can be enjoyed all year long.  

In 2023 the City, complete with Field Monitors from Six Nations of the Grand River and Mississaugas of the Credit First Nations, completed the Archaeological Investigations on the site and defined the Archaeological Preservation Area. Also, in 2023 the City constructed the Dog Park on the Elgin Street side of the property. Based on community feedback and the preservation requirements on the site, the Arrowdale Community Park design plan is now complete.

Arrowdale Park will have a dedicated parking lot off Rawdon Street, a Park building complete with two (2) universal washrooms, storage room and mechanical room, large splash pad, playground area 1,200m’s of meandering nature trails, shade structure, benches, bicycle racks, over 150 shrubs and trees, and plantings. The City is still working on various additional Indigenous features and components to be incorporated into the Park to ensure the City’s important and rich history is properly honoured. More details will be provided as they become available.

Arrowdale Community Park

We are pleased to share the following seasonal concept plans of the new park.

Arrowdale Community Park - Summer Concept Plan

Arrowdale Community Park - Winter Concept Plan

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