Arrowdale activities consistent with winterizing, and compliant with ongoing litigation

On Monday November 16, 2020 Arrowdale Municipal Golf Course completed its 2020 golf season and is now closed. As a result, and consistent with the City’s normal practice, electronic equipment including computers, monitors, point of sale electronic systems, cabling and wiring were all removed from the property for winter storage.
In addition, because the Arrowdale parking lot is no longer required for patron use, AECON is using the parking lot as a staging area for equipment and machinery which is being used as part of the ongoing work taking place in the housing complex located across the street.
The company, which has conditionally agreed to purchase Arrowdale, has also been permitted by the City to access the property to conduct due diligence.
The City is aware of the ongoing litigation regarding the Arrowdale property and has not permitted the purchaser to engage in any activities that are inconsistent with its obligations pursuant to that litigation. The City will continue to respect the litigation process and will not take any action that will prevent the City from complying with any court order regarding Arrowdale in the future.
Residents can expect to see ongoing activity at Arrowdale in the coming weeks and months, however, the City’s commitments including those arising from the court process that is currently underway will continue to be respected throughout.
For more information please contact 519-759-4150 ext. 5754 or
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