City and County win bid to co-host 2021 Ontario 55+ Winter Games

BRANTFORD, ON – The 2021 55+ Winter Games are coming to Brantford and the County of Brant February 11 to 13, 2021. The Ontario 55+ Games celebrates active living and is hosted every year for individuals in Ontario who are 55 years of age or older.
“The City of Brantford is honoured and proud to have the opportunity to host a sporting event of this calibre. We look forward to welcoming some of the finest seasoned athletic talent in our province,” said Mayor Kevin Davis, City of Brantford. “The Games will be a culmination of athletic achievement and sportsmanship, and will be immensely enjoyed by all citizens and visitors.”
The following sports are proposed for the 2021 Ontario 55+ Winter Games: Alpine Skiing, Badminton, Curling, Duplicate Bridge, Ice Hockey, Nordic Skiing, Prediction Skating, Table Tennis, Ten Pin Bowling and Volleyball. The diversity of competitions allows the City and County to showcase their beautiful facilities and communities.
“We are delighted to be able to welcome the athletes, their supporters, the officials and visitors to the area,” said Mayor David Bailey, County of Brant.
Typically, there are 800 to 1,100 athletes and officials who take part in three days of the competitions. An additional 800 visitors also come to the area in support of the athletes. Community engagement is an integral part of hosting the games and 200 to 400 volunteers will also be recruited to help with hosting the successful event.
“Congratulations to the City of Brantford and the County of Brant for winning the bid to host the 2021 Ontario 55+ Winter Games,” said Michael Tibollo, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport. “These two communities have a fantastic track record of hosting successful events. They offer an amazing natural heritage and state-of-the-art facilities, and I am confident that the 55+ Games participants will have an outstanding time. Our Government for the People is proud to support communities hosting sport events that promote active and healthy living among all Ontarians.”
The bid process to host the 2021 Ontario 55+ Winter Games started in 2017. In early January 2018, the Site Selection Committee, made up of members from the Ontario Senior Games Association, officials from the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport and Games Ontario program conducted tours to review the communities and facilities.
The feedback the City and County received from the Review Committee concluded that both communities have a rich sporting history, including co-hosting the very successful 2017 Ontario ParaSport Games, excellent facilities, a strong volunteer base, and are recognized as age-friendly communities with a strong sense of healthy-active lifestyle.
Games Ontario
The 2021 Ontario 55+ Games is supported by the Ontario Government, through its Games Ontario program. This program delivers or supports multi-sport events, including the Ontario Winter and Summer Games for youth, the Ontario 55+ Summer and Winter Games and the Ontario Parasport Games. The Ontario 55+ Games are delivered in partnership with the Ontario Senior Games Association.
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For more information, please contact the co-chairs of the Games Organizing Committee:
Donna Clements , Tourism Business Development Officer
Economic Development & Tourism Department
City of Brantford 519-751-9900 ext. 5045
Russell J. Press, Director of Economic Development & Tourism
Economic Development & Tourism Department
County of Brant 519-442-6324 ext. 3209