City’s new customer service counter to open August 16

Brantford, ON – The City’s customer service counter at 100 Wellington Square will be closed on Friday, August 13, 2021 at 3 p.m. to prepare to reopen at the new Brantford City Hall, located at 58 Dalhousie Street, on Monday, August 16, 2021 at 10 a.m. Regular operating hours will resume on Tuesday, August 17, 2021 when the new and improved customer service counter will be open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to offer residents a more seamless delivery of City services through easier and more convenient access in one central location.
All current COVID-19 protocols will remain in place including face coverings, hand sanitizing and physical distancing.
Brantford Time Capsule
As a way to preserve this momentous occasion in history, the City has installed a Time Capsule that is marked with the date that the City officially took possession of the new City Hall and the date that the Time Capsule is to be opened 20 years from now. Help us show Brantfordians of the future what makes Brantford special in 2021 through stories, photos, illustrations, artwork, video or other creative ways. Selected submissions will be revealed publicly as part of a series of public Grand Opening activities that will take place in early fall. More details about the Grand Opening activities will be released in the coming weeks. Residents are encouraged to visit the my City Hall project page on to learn more about how to get involved.
Quick Facts
- The most recent update to the City’s Accommodation Strategy approved by City Council in September 2020 forecasts a savings of $21.57 million in the City’s 10-year Capital Plan and $1.12 million in annual operating budget savings. The update also reflects new business models that have come into effect since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- The centralized location will house staff who previously occupied six decentralized corporate administrative facilities including 100 Wellington Square, 84 Market St., 1 Market Square, 180 Greenwich St., 1-3 Sherwood Drive, and 399 Wayne Gretzky Parkway.
- Consistent with the City’s Corporate Energy Management Plan, renovations include green, high efficiency Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) elements throughout the building.
- By reducing the City’s facility footprint, over the next three-year period staff estimate that the City will meet 52% of the Corporate Energy Management Plan’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction target.
- Consistent with the City’s commitment to inclusivity, the building has been renovated to ensure it is fully accessible by all members of the community.
- The renovated building features a fully accessible and significantly larger Council Chambers with more seating for the public.
- For the public’s convenience when visiting the new City Hall in person, there are approximately 50 on-street parking spaces with varying time limits near 58 Dalhousie Street (19 surround the new City Hall, including two accessible spaces). Additional parking is available in Lo t#3 on Darling Street or at the Market Centre Parkade (59 Icomm Drive).