Flood watch issued by GRCA

The Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) has issued a flood watch for our area. Warming temperatures are expected to continue through the day before dropping below freezing on Thursday afternoon. The resulting snowmelt, combined with 20 to 40 mm of rainfall overnight across the Grand River watershed, will result in some flooding in low-lying areas. While much of the rainfall has ended, river flows will remain elevated through the remainder of the week.
Some movement of ice is being seen on the Grand River through the City of Brantford, resulting in minor ice jams, however significant ice jams are not anticipated at this time. In advance of the weather and river warnings, the City of Brantford Operational Services Department and the Environmental Services Department have been active in preparing for the rain events and potential ice jam flooding. Flood response plans are in place, which include continuous monitoring of river levels and weather conditions, dike wall and flood gate inspections, road clearing, and flood hot spot inspections. Equipment and staff are in place to respond as necessary.
Please refer to GRCA’s website for more information and updates.
Exercise Extreme Caution
The public is reminded to exercise extreme caution around all water bodies. Banks adjacent to rivers and creeks are very slippery at this time and, when combined with current weather conditions, pose a serious hazard. Residents are encouraged to keep their children and pets away from all watercourses and off frozen water bodies, which will be weakened as a result of the warming trend.
Visit Brantford.ca/EmergencyPreparedness to learn how you and your family can prepare for a flood.
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