Affordable Housing Options
There are many affordable housing units in Brantford and Brant County. When completing your application for affordable housing, you may want to review the social housing selections available.
Please note that affordable housing is not an Emergency Shelter. Visit Emergency Shelters for more information about temporary stays.
Below is a list of affordable housing units in Brantford and Brant County:
- Brant County Sunrise Villa
- Brant County Trillium Way
- Brant County Walkers Green
- Brant County Willow Street
- Ward 1 Brant Towers
- Ward 1 Bell Lane Terrace
- Ward 1 Hotinohsioni (Brant Native Housing)
- Ward 1 Harmony Homes
- Ward 1 Jaycees Brantford
- Ward 1 John Noble Apartments
- Ward 1 Lorne Towers
- Ward 1 Municipal Private Residential Homes
- Ward 1 Rent Supplement
- Ward 2 Saorsie Co-op
- Ward 2 Albion Towers
- Ward 2 Jaycees Brantford
- Ward 2 Municipal Private Residential Units
- Ward 2 Rent Supplement
- Ward 2 St. Basil's Community Homes
- Ward 2 Woodlawn Meadows
- Ward 3 Jaycees Brantford
- Ward 3 Northland Gardens
- Ward 3 Westglen Co-op
- Ward 4 Branlyn Meadows
- Ward 4 Daleview Gardens
- Ward 4 Grey Winds
- Ward 4 Jaycees Brantford
- Ward 4 Municipal Private Residential
- Ward 4 Rent Supplement
- Ward 4 Silver Pines
- Ward 4 Terraces of Charing Cross
- Ward 5 Hotinohsioni (Brant Native Housing)
- Ward 5 Hotinohsioni (Brant Native Housing 2)
- Ward 5 Eastdale Gardens
- Ward 5 Heritage House
- Ward 5 Jaycees Brantford
- Ward 5 Municipal Private Residential Units
- Ward 5 Nelson Heights
- Ward 5 Rent supplement
- Ward 5 Richard Beckett
- Ward 5 Robertson Avenue
- Ward 5 Riverside Gardens
- Ward 5 Slovak Village
- Ward 5 Winston Court
- At or below Average Market Rent