Ontario Works

Ontario Works provides financial and employment assistance to individuals and families who are in need. Our contact information is Family and Income Stability Services 519-759-3330.

How to apply

By Telephone

Call the Intake Benefit Assessment Unit at 1-888-999-1142 between 8:30am and 5:00pm weekdays excluding holidays.


Apply online for Ontario Works assistance.

Personal case information

Contact your Service Coordinator at 519-759-3330 Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (excluding holidays). You can also call 1-800-808-2268 for the Interactive Voice Response system. The system is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Monthly Income Report Statement
The Statement of Income is for earnings from employment.  All pay stubs must be attached to the statement.  It is due on the 16th of the month and the statement covers the period from the 16th of the previous month to the 15th of the current month. The Statement of Income must be signed and dated by the head of the household (the person whose name is on the Ontario Works cheque). The signature must be dated on or after the 16th of the current month. 
Changes Report
The Changes Report is to be completed only if there are changes to your family composition, address or other sources of income.  The Changes Report is due on the 16th of the month and covers the period from the 16th of the previous month to the 15th of the current month. You must also attach any supporting documentation for these changes such as verification of accommodation costs or verification of any changes to other sources of income.


MyBenefits is a new online service available to all residents of Ontario who are active Social Assistance recipients. MyBenefits is available on a 24/7 basis, allowing clients to see the status of all future payments and to report changes. Visit the MyBenefits website to register or to sign into your account.


You will receive assistance for basic needs, shelter and employment assistance when you are eligible. You may also be eligible for:

Drug coverage

Your monthly drug benefit covers most of the cost of prescription drugs for you and eligible family members. Your family will use their own health cards for benefits.

If you are not eligible for an Ontario health card, you will get a paper drug card each month.

Special diets

If you require a special diet due to a medical condition, you may be able to get some help if the food you need costs more.

Pregnancy nutritional/breast-feeding allowance

Women can receive a pregnancy nutritional allowance to cover their special dietary needs. Women can get this during pregnancy and for 12 months after delivery if they are breastfeeding their child.

Health items

Help is available for diabetic supplies, surgical supplies and dressings, approved medical transportation of $15 or more per month, and a guide dog benefit.

Other Items

You may receive money for other items such as:

  • low cost energy and water conservation measures
  • assistive devices
  • wheelchairs and inhalators
  • vision and dental care for adults
Transition Child Benefit

Money may be available for families on social assistance who are not receiving the Ontario Child Benefit or are getting less than their maximum Ontario Child Benefit.

Looking for Work?

A great place to start is to contact Employment Ontario service providers:

For more information contact us at Family and Income Stability Services 519-759-3330.

Survey on OW/ODSP Job Seekers' Experiences with Social Assistance Services Since 2021

Since 2021, the Government of Ontario has introduced a reform called Integrated Employment Services, which combines support services from Ontario Works (OW) and the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) with Employment Ontario (EO) to help people stabilize their lives and find and keep jobs. To assess how well this new system is serving recipients who have accessed OW/ODSP and EO since 2021, Dr. Mohammad Ferdosi, a Postdoctoral Fellow in Critical Policy Studies at Toronto Metropolitan University, invites those with these experiences to participate in a study. This is a voluntary survey.