Housing Stability Plan

The Brantford – Brant Housing Stability Plan 2014 - 2024 (2017 PROGRESS REPORT)  will guide a housing and homelessness vision that incorporates solutions and initiatives to a range of housing options and supports, with a focus on dignity, pride in community and self-sufficiency over the next decade.

Brantford-Brant Housing Stability Plan 2014-2024 (Five Year Review and Update) 
The following is the annual update as of June 30, 2023.

GOAL #1: Increasing and preserving affordable housing options
1.1 Outcome: Increase supply of housing options across the housing continuum and throughout all areas in Brantford and Brant based on localized housing needs analysis.
Measures (Success Looks Like)
Increase of 506 units of municipally owned and operated affordable housing by 2030.
Develop and implement a 10-year Housing Regeneration Master Plan for municipally owned housing with funding/financing recommendations that support ongoing financial sustainability.

10-year Brantford-Brant Municipal Housing Master Plan Initiative was approved by Council in October 2019, including plans for creating a minimum of 506 units between 2020-2030.

Continuing to implement the direction of the Master Plan including identification and development at prioritized sites.



Complete operational reviews of municipal housing to increase efficiencies and reserve fund contributions. Operational Service Reviews have fully resumed and are being conducted. 2022   


Complete feasibility study and create development implementation plan for CASE (Compact, Affordable, Sustainable, and Efficient) Homes demonstration project. CASE feasibility study completed April 2019, and four-plex demonstration project approved by Council Nov 2019.  RFP released Aug 2020. Construction completed and units filled in 2021. 2021



Measures (Success Looks Like)
Increase of 337 units of affordable rental housing owned and operated by non-profit and/or coop housing providers by 2030.
Coordinate and lead an affordable housing development meeting group that includes key stakeholders such as developers, providers, CMHC, planners, financial lenders.

Creation of Mayors’ Housing Partnerships Task Force Nov 2019, with Teams for specific focus areas, over 12 month period.

Action Plan approved Jan 2021, with annual updates in December each year thereafter.




Work with local Indigenous housing provider (Brantford Native Housing) to explore opportunities to support, assist or partner on housing opportunities for Indigenous people living off-reserve.

Initial discussions held in late 2019; more action in 2020 delayed due to Covid-19 pandemic. Work resumed in fall 2021 with new BNH leadership. Staffing changes at both organizations impact progress however, collaboration attempts continue.

309 Campbell St – assisted BNH with transition plan for tenants (April-August 2022) to other housing options. All households who required assistance were successfully transitioned.

174 Trillium Way, Paris ON Development – 5 units dedicated to BNH

 ongoing IN PROGRESS
Design and pilot targeted incentives program to encourage non-profit/private sector developers to build affordable housing.

Municipal Housing Facilities By-law amended Nov 2019 to broaden the affordable housing definition for development charge waiver incentives.

Once Bill 23 is proclaimed, will need to review impacts to MHFA Bylaw.

Measures (Success Looks Like)
Increase of rental units in the private market suitable for low-to-middle income households by 2030 to mitigate the projected shortfall of 2,404 units.
Develop a Private Stock Strategy to create affordable housing by leveraging current private rental stock and private homes.

Start outline of project workplan to commence Q4 2023 with project commencement in 2024.

Develop an interdepartmental staff committee to review, explore and coordinate affordable housing development opportunities (e.g. Planning, Housing, Finance, Building, Engineering, Legal/Real Estate).AFTER THIS Action item was an outcome of Mayors’ Housing Partnerships Task Force. Identified individuals are now in place and quarterly meetings were held throughout 2022 2021 COMPLETE
(and ongoing)
Measures (Success Looks Like)
Increase affordable home ownership opportunities by 2030 to mitigate the projected shortfall of 476 in the County and 604 in the City for identified income populations in each municipality. 
Review conditions and eligibility for BHome program and develop recommendations for maximizing impact of program.

 Current Program is averaging 10-15 households per year which is the full allocation.

A review was undertaken and decision to continue to set local BHome maximum home pricing limit to levels that help maximize the funding (including revolving fund) available for 5% down payment assistance.

Updated Municipal Housing Facilities By-law to include support for not-for-profit affordable first-time homeownership programs.



Work with the County to develop a Municipal Housing Facilities By-law for homeownership purposes to support potential incentives for private development of homeownership opportunities.   2024 NOT YET STARTED
Review affordability provisions of Municipal Housing Facilities By-law for homeownership to support potential incentives for private development of homeownership opportunities.

Municipal Housing Facilities By-law amended Nov 2019 to broaden the affordable housing definition to include affordable homeownership. 

Investigate opportunities for municipal-led development that can include mixed tenure housing to generate additional revenues to support rental housing.

John Noble Apartments (completed 2018) – mixed income

174 Trillium Way – new development scheduled for completion in December 2024 is mixed income

Lucy Marco Place (40 Queen St) – 41-unit rehabilitation project will be mixed income.

346 Shellard Lane – future 70-unit seniors development (in scope for 2024 start) will be mixed income.


1.2 Outcome: Housing units and properties are maintained in good repair, are habitable for occupancy quickly at turnover and meet the current needs of tenants.
Measures (Success Looks Like)
Vacancy rates are maintained at or under 2% across all municipally owned properties.
Implement smoke-free transition plan for new housing constructions and new tenancies in existing housing.

Smoke-free housing policy approved in 2019; transition plan developed and underway for municipally managed housing units. First phase of smoke-free leases scheduled to begin in spring 2020 with final phase beginning in 2024.



Measures (Success Looks Like)
10% reduction in costs related to unit turnovers and damage remediation by 2024
Review and update 10-year capital plan following completion of building condition assessments and annual unit inspections.

Request for Proposals for new Building Condition Assessments (BCAs) was issued summer 2020.

BCAs completed in Fall 2021. Future projects have been identified in a 10-year capital budget plan and prioritized accordingly.



Implement unit standards policy for maintenance/repairs following tenant move-out.

Original target date was delayed due to COVID. Project recommenced in Q4 2021 and completed in 2022.

All Property Managers follow same policy/process for unit turnovers.

GOAL #2: Providing holistic prevention and support services
2.1 Outcome: People remain housed and experience housing stability
Measures (Success Looks Like)
Reduction in evictions (for non-payments of rent and behavioural reasons)

Maximize the use of Housing Stability Fund as eviction prevention resource.after here

A review of the former BBHPA program was undertaken and the fund was renamed the Housing Stability Fund (HSF) in 2020. Funding assistance components was redesigned to extend more assistance to help prevent economic evictions. 2019


Train and include non-profit and co-operative housing providers in eviction prevention efforts and provide toolkits of material and best practices to all housing providers.

Formal and informal education and training opportunities are provided for housing providers, who are actively utilizing best practices for eviction prevention. Housing Providers are notified when formal training is available through ONPHA.

Information regarding housing stability resources is provided regularly (minimum annually) and is available on public-facing website.


Measures (Success Looks Like)
100% of clients requiring individualized support to remain housed are connected to available and appropriate resources
Develop and pilot case conferencing approach to housing supports for tenants living within municipal housing (to include staff from social assistance and homelessness and other community resources).

Live Well Brantford-Brant (LWBB) (supportive housing) Program established in 2020. Youth component is being delivered by a contracted third party. Adult program component is being delivered by City staff. The LWBB program is fully funded by Homelessness Prevention Program (HPP) provincial grant funding.

2022-23 Reaching Home Investment Plan allocated grant funding for the Housing Stability Worker (HSW) Program.

Four (4) full time equivalent HSW staff are to be hired and trained in 2023 and will work in partnership with Property Managers.



GOAL #3 Strengthening collaboration and coordination
3.1 Outcome: Tenants are engaged in their community
Measures (success looks like)
Housing Department achieves a reduction in complaints related to social housing sites.

Live Well Brantford-Brant (LWBB) (supportive housing



3.2 Outcome: People are able to live in the most appropriate housing for their needs
Measures (success looks like)
75% reduction of households remaining in social housing units that no longer required rent-geared-to-income assistance by 2024
Create a housing graduation strategy that targets households living in social housing that could be successfully transitioned to market rental (with/or without support) or are eligible for BHomes or other affordable homeownership opportunities.

Offered Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit (COHB) to eligible applicants on wait list, with requirement to transition off the wait list.

Legislative changes impact/preclude this action however, staff continue to provide options to tenants to facilitate appropriate housing choices.




Measures (success looks like)
50% reduction in refusals of offers of RGI housing by 2022
Implement communications strategy for applicants to encourage prioritizing housing projects and policy for limited circumstances under which a refusal would be permitted.

Ministry legislated changes to one-offer process implemented Jan 1, 2021. Applicant notification and Housing Provider training completed Fall 2020.


COMPLETE (ongoing) 


GOAL #4 Strengthen partnerships and collaboration with Indigenous service providers
4.1 Outcome: There is good quality, afforable housing available for Indigenous people living off-reserve in Brantford and County of Brant
Measures (success looks like)
No net loss of off-reserve housing for Indigenous people
Work with local Indigenous housing providers (Brantford Native Housing “BNH”) to explore opportunities to support, assist, or partner on housing development opportunities for Indigenous residents living off-reserve.

Exploring replacement of two BNH housing units removed from Service Level Standards due to extensive capital repair needs.

Delays due to impacts of pandemic and staffing changes.

New development in 2022 by BNH: 67 Eighth Street.




Provide support and resources, as requested, to help BNH plan for sustainable approaches to end of operating agreements.

City staff continues to reach out and offer opportunities for dialogue and training.

Delays due to challenges, reprioritizations to address impacts of pandemic, and staffing changes.

Inventory infill development or increased density opportunities on BNH properties and provide support as needed to navigate planning, engineering and other processes. Discussions delayed due to challenges, reprioritizations to address impacts of pandemic, and staffing changes. 2024 FUTURE ACTION
Establish information sharing protocol on performance measures (such as wait lists, building conditions, eviction prevention programs and efforts). Discussions delayed due to challenges, reprioritizations to address impacts of pandemic, and staffing changes. 2024 FUTURE ACTION
Measures (success looks like)
Incorporate considerations about pressures for urban Indigenous housing provider into systems planning.
Create ongoing system for sharing grant and funding opportunities, including broker opportunities for joint submissions and joint procurement with other housing providers.

Explored options as part of Fall 2020 Housing provider training and information sharing.

Encouraged BHN to apply for Rapid Housing Initiative funding. Exploring potential development with third party partners.


COMPLETE (ongoing) 


GOAL #5 Improving systems, planning and measurement
5.1 Housing and homelessness planning and systems are designed and implemented to reflect current housing trends and population growth
Measures (success looks like)
Key data and information is up-to-date and available for a variety of metrics that support an increased understanding of housing pressures and local needs.
Research reports that highlight population specific needs and forecasted growth.

Brantford-Brant Housing Stability Plan 2014-2024 Five Year Review that was completed in 2019 provided updated housing metrics.


COMPLETE (ongoing) 


Population specific recommendations

Brantford-Brant Housing Stability Plan 2014-2024 Five Year Review, and Brantford-Brant Municipal Housing Master Plan Initiative provided updated metrics.


COMPLETE (ongoing) 

Establish and report to Council and community on key housing metrics annually as a resource to assist in decision making and resource allocation. Annual reports in December to Council on Municipal Housing Master Plan & Mayors’ Housing Partnerships Task Force Action Plan 2019 COMPLETE (ongoing) 

5.2 Outcome: Enhanced housing with support for individuals transitioning within the housing continuum
Measures (success looks like)
Improved systems coordination and planning with community partners to support individuals in need of housing with supports (e.g. collaboration with agencies providing long term care, health services, landlords, and support for developmental disabilities, mental health and addictions services). NA

Establish coordinated list of support services.

Public webpage for Community Supports updated based on changes to Housing Resource Centre in 2020-21.

Continuous improvement to website is ongoing to ensure changing needs of the community and individuals is recognized.

Staff is currently completing a website refresh in 2023 in partnership with the corporate communications department and as part of a larger initiative of ensuring AODA compliance.


COMPLETE (ongoing) 


Adopt and implement consistent assessment tools.

Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool (SPDAT) being used at emergency shelters and Live Well Brantford-Brant (LWBB) programs.


COMPLETE (ongoing) 

Coordinate wait lists for programs across partners.

In 2023 staff will be undergoing implementation of a new software system (IHS by Arcori) for managing the Service Manager’s centralized waitlist. Once implemented, staff will review and determine what other housing program applications and waitlists can be managed through this system.

Processes are already in place internally and with relevant external services providers (e.g., Housing Resource Centre) to review and ensure that eligible households on the By Name List are identified and assisted with applying to the centralized waitlist.

Staff who oversee the centralized waitlist are also responsible for administering other housing programs (e.g., Ontario Renovates, Rent Supplement Program, Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit applications). Future action will include examining application processes and waitlist protocols to determine coordination and streamlining of service delivery.


Identify process for transition of clients out of health services into housing with supports.

City staff is collaborating with service providers including the local hospital and the contracted Housing Resource Centre to streamline access to housing stability services for individuals who would be discharged from hospital to homelessness.

It has been identified that there is a need for increased availability of transitional housing and supportive housing options within the system. As such, in 2023 and 2024 emphasis is being placed on exploring opportunities that increase the availability of transitional and supportive housing within the community to help individuals exit emergency shelters into more stable and appropriate accommodations.


5.3 Outcome: Operations are efficient and maximize value for public dollar
Measures (success looks like)
Arrears rates are at or under 4% of gross rents across all municipality owned properties.
Implement rent-geared-to-income calculation changes to reduce and eliminate arrears resulting from non-reporting of income changes.

Rent-geared-to-income (RGI) Simplification in effect July 1, 2021, as per legislation.  




Implement early stage resolution process for tenants who incur arrears to prevent escalation and eviction.

Housing Stability Worker (HSW) Program funded by federal Reaching Home grant monies is being piloted in 2023 with the opportunity for extension after March 31, 2024 if RH funding is extended. 



GOAL #6 Reducing chronic homelessness
6.1 Outcome: Implement Reaching Home Community Projects
Measures (success looks like)
Chronic homelessness is reduced by 50% by 2027
Implement rent-geared-to-income calculation changes to reduce and eliminate arrears resulting from non-reporting of income changes.

Rent-geared-to-income (RGI) Simplification in effect July 1, 2021, as per legislation.  




Implement early stage resolution process for tenants who incur arrears to prevent escalation and eviction.

Housing Stability Worker (HSW) Program funded by federal Reaching Home grant monies is being piloted in 2023 with the opportunity for extension after March 31, 2024 if RH funding is extended. 




Development of an Emergency Shelter Program Framework.

Draft emergency shelter framework created with shelter operator partners. Coordinated Access System is the framework.

Completion of Shelter Review by OrgCode in 2022 and with a youth-focused lenses by Michael Lethby Consulting in 2023.

Emergency Shelter system undergoing RFP in 2023.

Develop a Community Progress Report

Reaching Home progress report framework submitted, with outcomes to be reported beginning Spring 2021.

As the Community Entity for Reaching Home, the City submits and publishes an annual Reaching Home – Community Homelessness Report Summary.

 2020-2022 COMPLETE

Implement a Quality By-Name List

Operational as of Q2 2021 when Coordinated Access system was launched.

Ongoing systemic improvements.

2020-2022 COMPLETE