Marlene Ave “Home for Good” Affordable Housing Development now operational

BRANTFORD, ON: Today, the City is pleased to announce that occupancy of the new supportive housing development on Marlene Ave, featuring 30 new housing units that will house 30 of the city’s most vulnerable citizens, has officially begun. Funded by the City in partnership with the province’s Home for Good program, this development is unique in that in addition to housing, it will also provide “wrap-around” supports and assistance to tenants.
Wesley, a non-profit organization that provides services for people who are at risk of homelessness or living in poverty, will occupy a permanent office in the building, offering 11 hours a day of counselling for those suffering mental health and addiction issues, and provide help with life skills to break the cycle of homelessness. To safely mark the official opening of the Marlene Ave development while complying with COVID-19 protective measures still in place, today, a small group of city officials gathered to acknowledge the collective work of the City and province that made this achievement possible. The City also plans to release a video next week highlighting the unique features of the build, and how tenants will benefit from the ongoing support services that will be in place.
In October 2019, Brantford City Council approved the City’s Municipal Housing Master Plan that identified the requirement to build one thousand housing units over the next 10 years to meet increased demand in our community. Estimated at an un-budgeted $100 million, proceeds from the sale of the Arrowdale lands will play a critical role in achieving the goal to meet demand over the next decade. The proceeds from the future land sale combined with ongoing tax revenues, creative financial planning, partnerships with non-profit housing sectors and federal and provincial funding streams have the potential to result in over 470 units of affordable, sustainable, mixed income housing options for the residents of Brantford and Brant over the next 10 years.
5 Marlene Ave Tenant
“It has been really hard for me being homeless and feeling marginalized when looking for a place to rent. I know Marlene Avenue Apartments will improve my mental health just by knowing I have a safe place, I won’t feel judged. I will eat better and sleep better without wondering where my next meal is coming from. I want to reconnect with family and go back to school and get a degree in Social Work.”
Brantford-Brant MPP Will Bouma
“We need to have innovative approaches to help end chronic homelessness in Ontario. I am happy to participate in the Home for Good Program in partnership with the City of Brantford today and will continue to work with our Municipal partners in the years to come.”
Brantford Mayor Kevin Davis
“In light of financial pressures due to the economic fallout of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the City’s need to increase our supply of affordable housing is more urgent than ever. I’m very proud that the Marlene Ave development is now housing some of the city’s most vulnerable citizens, and encouraged about future plans to further build our inventory of affordable housing options across the city. Through our Housing Partnership Task Force, the City will continue to work with our partners to find innovative and creative solutions to our community’s immediate housing needs.”
Councillor Dan McCreary, Chair Social Services Committee
“Challenges complicated by addiction, poor physical and/or mental health issues, lack of meaningful connection to community or personal supports, and limited housing options for tenants and landlords have clearly contributed to the increased demand for shelter in Brantford. I’m pleased to see this much needed development up and running. It’s a major accomplishment and a good start towards increasing the City’s affordable housing inventory.”
Councillor Rick Weaver, former Chair, Social Services Committee
“I am very proud of the work our Committee and staff did to make this development a reality, and in turn, the lives of individuals experiencing chronic homelessness better. This unique facility not only provides immediate shelter, but also everyday supports to help tenants make major changes to improve their situations, outcomes and quality of life.”
June 4th, 2020 - Opening Event Video
Media Contact:
Maria Visocchi, Director, Communications and Community Engagement | City of Brantford | Office: 519.759.4150 Ext. 5754 |