Over 2,300 residents join in City’s Earth Day community cleanup

Mayor Kevin Davis and MP Larry Brock participating in Let's Clean Our City community clean-up event

BRANTFORD, ON – The City of Brantford is proud to announce that over 2,300 residents participated in the annual Let’s Clean Our City community cleanup in honour of Earth Day. In addition to those participants who set out their collected litter with their regular weekly collection, volunteers and City staff collected a total of 170 kilograms of litter that was disposed of at the Mohawk Street Landfill on Sunday, April 21 and Monday, April 22, 2024.

“I would like to thank MP Larry Brock and the many residents who joined me at this year’s community cleanup,” says Mayor Kevin Davis “The Let’s Clean Our City event is a wonderful opportunity for Brantford to come together to pick up litter, keep our neighbourhoods clean, and demonstrate our commitment to preserving our environment for future generations.”

The City provided over 1,000 free cleanup kits to residents who were encouraged to collect litter in their neighbourhood and dispose of it in their regular garbage collection. Larger cleanups could bring their collected litter to one of three disposal areas located throughout the city. A total of 170 kilograms of litter was collected between the three disposal areas and taken to the Mohawk Street Landfill by Public Works staff.

The cleanup also included a contest whereby participants could submit photos for the chance to randomly be awarded prizes. The winners for each category are:

  • The Boag Family and the Wilkins Family each won a $50 gift card to a local business
  • West Brant Neighbourhood Association won a $500 prize to be spent on an environmental initiative in their neighbourhood.
  • Your Neighbourhood Credit Union won a $500 cash donation to a local charity of their choice and they will be supporting the Brantford SPCA.
  • Madonna Della Libera Catholic Elementary School and King George Elementary School each won countertop composters for their school.

The Let’s Clean Our City campaign is a Clean Brantford initiative aimed at keeping the City free of litter. In January 2020, Brantford City Council approved the Clean Brantford initiative to encourage civic minded citizens to take personal responsibility for cleaning up the city. 

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Media Contact:

Chelsey Tobin | Communications Specialist, Communications and Community Engagement
City of Brantford | 519-759-4150 ext. 5048 | ctobin@brantford.ca