Public Notice: Bell Canada "Fibre to Home" Infrastructure Project

Please be advised that Bell Canada is currently completing a long-term fibre infrastructure project that is being rolled out in residential areas across the city. Installation work related to the “Fibre to Home” project began in 2018 and is expected to take approximately 4-5 years to complete.
Bell Canada is working with the City’s Public Works Commission to coordinate the work that is being conducted geographically by digital service area (DSA). Residents have likely noticed that this work is currently underway in the King George Road area north of the 403. The work is primarily taking place in the municipal right of way (ROW), and occasionally on private property but only with the consent of the homeowner.
The ROW, or property, is to be restored to the way it was before the excavation.
Residents who have inquiries about this project are encouraged to contact Bell directly at:
or by email to
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Maria Visocchi
Director, Communications and Community Engagement
City of Brantford | P. 519-759-4150 ext. 5754 | @CityofBrantford