Service Review Report Received at Special City Council Meeting

Brantford City Hall

Not unlike other municipalities, the City of Brantford consistently strives to balance community and stakeholder expectations for service and program delivery with financial constraints. This exercise is particularly challenging for the City at this time, as we need to exercise constraint while also experiencing significant growth, requiring enhanced service delivery.

At the November 26, 2019 Special City Council meeting, Council received a draft of the completed Service Review Report that highlights information about the state of the organization, and potential service areas that warrant further evaluation to increase efficiencies and ensure sustainability. The report also includes a summary of the information gathered during the review, as well as a list of 13 top opportunities to increase efficiencies, as well as 91 additional identified opportunities that require further study. The report is consistent with Council’s direction and priority to identify opportunities for improved efficiency and effectiveness for the delivery of City services.

The draft November 26, 2019 Service Review Report is not a thorough audit nor an all-encompassing operational review, but rather, a first step to build on successes and identify top and longer-term opportunities to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of how the City delivers services to the community and residents of Brantford.

City staff will provide a timeline to Council in early 2020 outlining when each of the opportunities identified in the Service Review Report will be examined by staff and presented to Council for consideration.

Opportunities regarding public engagement will also be shared with the public in early 2020. For more information, please contact City Hall at 519-759-4150 or email us at