Spring and Summer Yard Waste Collection Changes

Brantford’s Yard Waste program has changed. From April 5, 2021, to October 1, 2021, spring and summer yard waste will be collected every other week (bi-weekly). Fall yard waste will still be collected every week from October 4, 2021, to November 26, 2021.
Your yard waste will still be collected on your regular scheduled collection day, just on alternating weeks between Area A and Area B during the spring and summer. Please refer to the Yard Waste Area Map to determine your collection area. Personalized collection reminders are also available to residents by downloading the Recycle Coach app.
Spring and Summer Yard Waste Collection
- April 5 to October 1
- Collected every other week (alternating Area A and Area B)
- Maximum 20 bags/containers
Fall Yard Waste Collection
- October 4 to November 26
- Weekly collection
- Maximum 30 bags/containers
Recycle Coach Update
Residents already using the Recycle Coach app should re-enter their street address in the app settings to ensure that their updated collection schedule is being displayed.
Yard Waste Reminder
Yard waste includes leaves, grass clippings, weeds, plants and bundled brush (no longer than 1.2m (4 ft) x 0.9m (3 ft) in diameter with all branches less than 0.1m (4 in) in diameter).
Yard waste does not include oversized brush, soil, dirt, rocks and other landscaping debris. Yard waste should be placed in a separate container from regular garbage. Containers should be either kraft brown paper leaf and yard waste bags or open rigid-walled containers (no lids). Yard waste placed in plastic bags will not be accepted.
Mohawk Street Landfill Site Reminder
Curbside leaf and yard waste can also be dropped off at the City of Brantford’s Mohawk Street Landfill Site, located at 20 Morrison Road, Monday to Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. free of charge from April to November. Please note oversized materials are not accepted free of charge. You will be charged $40.00 per tonne for yard waste between December and March.