City launches Clean Brantford campaign to encourage litter clean up

BRANTFORD, ON – Clean Brantford is an ongoing City initiative to encourage individual and collective responsibility to help keep our streets and neighbourhoods clean for the betterment of our city. While we would normally encourage community cleanups this time of year, due to the current COVID-19 province-wide Stay-at-Home order, events and social gatherings at this time are prohibited. Instead, this year, participants are encouraged to pick up litter on their own (or with a member of their immediate household) in their own neighbourhoods while out for brief exercise breaks during the current Stay-at-Home order.
When cleaning up litter found locally in neighbourhoods, the public is reminded to keep a safe distance of at least 2 metres or 6 feet from those outside their own household at all times. For updates regarding the City’s COVID-19 response and service modifications during the current province-wide Stay-at-Home order, please visit
Student Art Contest to Promote a Cleaner Downtown
In addition to ongoing cleanup efforts, the City has recently purchased and installed new waste containers in the Downtown to reduce litter in the City’s core. These new waste containers were secured with funding received from the Provincial government through the Main Street Revitalization Fund, with the objective of improving walkability and beautifying downtown streets. These solar-powered waste containers are compacting, meaning that the volume they contain is significantly higher than a typical waste bin.
To help promote litter reduction and inspire the next generation of environmental stewards in our community, the City is seeking graphic art entries from students for the purpose of promoting litter reduction across our community. A selection of art entries from those submitted will be chosen to be posted on downtown waste bins to promote litter pick-up and proper disposal of waste. This contest is open to students in elementary or secondary school within the City of Brantford. Please provide your name, age, and name of school with your submission.
How to enter
Please email entries in a jpg or pdf format to or mail hardcopy entries to the City of Brantford, PO Box 818 Brantford ON, N3T 5R7 attention: Communications and Community Engagement department. Contest closes May 31st, 2021.
The winning designs will be posted on the downtown waste containers.
Please visit for more ways to get involved with helping Clean Brantford.
Stephanie Quattrociocchi, Communications Specialist
Communications and Community Engagement
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